#Banana sign aeen in spina bifida
Cl bottulinum causes
food poisoning in canned food
food poisoning in infants due to honey
floppy baby synd
remember NaCl for myotonia:
1.Na--Paramyotonia congenita
2.Cl--myo.congenita and gen.myotonia
rem NaCa for periodic paralysis
PoCa for Episodic ataxia
Ca--type2 nd 6
Henoch scholein purpura
mc leukocytoclastic vasculitis in children
cf arthalgia purpura abdominal pain
glycogen storage diaorder not seen im ms
type i =von gierke disease g6pd def ms dont contain g6pd enzyme
Mc cune albright synd
precious puberty multiple cystic bone lesions nerve deafness and endocrinopathies
Triad of Alports Syndrome
Sensorineural deafness
Progressive renal failure
Ocular anomalies
Triad of Behcet's Syndrome
Recurrent oral ulcers
Genital ulcers
Beck’s Triad
Muffled heart sound
Distended neck veins
Charcot’s Triad
Pain + fever + jaundice
Gradenigos Triad
Sixth cranial n. Palsy
Persistent ear discharge
Deep seated retro orbital pain
Triad of Hypernephroma
Pain + hematuria + renal mass
Hutchinson’s Triad
Hutchison's teeth
Interstitial keratitis
Nerve deafness
Triad of Kwashiorkar
Growth retardation
Mental changes
Saint's Triad
Gall stones
Hiatus hernia
Trotter's Triad
Conductive deafness
Immobility of homolateral soft palate
Trigeminal neuralgia
Whipple's triad
symptoms consistent with hypoglycemia, a low plasma glucose concentration, relief of symptoms after the plasma glucose level is raised
Neuro blastoma
mc malignancy in infancy
origin =adrenals mediastinum neck
presents as abd mass calcifications on xray proptosis sutural separation and multiple skeltal secondaries
Among the inhalational agents max rise in ICT is with enflurane followed by Halothane and minimum in Isoflurane
Immotile cilia synd kartagener syn
situs inversus bronchiestasis rhino sinusitis
opiods in spinal cord acts on substantia gelatinosa of dorsal horn cells
Colour synd
Red baby vancomycin
bronze baby phototherapy
grey baby chloramphenicol
blue eyes fair skin pku
blue sclera path fractures osteogensis imperfect
Dyslexia learning disability
alexithymia inability to recognise and describe feelings
Pseudoparalysois frog like position wimberger sign
white line of frankel seen in scurvy
Mtp act 1971
Transplantation act 1994
Nrhm started 5/4/2005
• BROWN-SEQUARD SYNDROME: Damage(injury) to half of spinal cord ------> symptoms:Loss of pain and temperature sensation oncontra lateral side of body. Loss of proprioception and discriminatorytouch on ipsilateral side of body.
CARDIO Syndrome`s• FLOPPY-VALVE SYNDROME: MitralIncompetence due to myxomatous degenerationof theleaflets.
• LERICHE'S SYNDROME: Occlusion of distalaorta ------>Hip, thigh, and calf fatigue.Impotence
• BEHCET'S SYNDROME: Vasculitis ------>secondary symptoms:Oral and genital ulcersUveitisOptic atrophy
• SHOULDER-HAND SYNDROME: Pain inshoulder and swelling in hand, sometimes occurringafter Myocardial Infarction.
• SICK SINUS SYNDROME: Chaotic atrial activity;continual changes in P-Waves. Bradycardia,alternating with recurrent ectopic beats and runs oftachycardia.
• SUPERIOR VENA CAVA SYNDROME: Causedby a tumor. Obstruction of SVC ------>EdemaEngorgement of the vessels of face,neck, and arms.Nonproductive coughDyspnea
• TAKAYASU'S SYNDROME: Arteritis of theAortic Arch, resulting in no pulse. Seen in youngwomen.
• WOLF-PARKINSON WHITE SYNDROME:ECG pattern of Paroxysmal Tachycardia.Short PR intervalDelta wave = early QRS complex.IATROGENIC (or Secondary to Medical Treatment)
• ASHERMAN'S SYNDROME: Adhesionswithin the endometrial cavity, causingamenorrhea and infertility.Adhesions probably were caused bysurgery.
• CARCINOID SYNDROME: Carcinoid tumorproducing Bradykinin Serotonin ------>secondary symptoms:Cyanotic flushingDiarrheaBronchial spasmEdema, ascites.
• GARDNER'S SYNDROME: Multipleinherited tumors, hereditary dominant trait.Skull osteomas, Fibromas,EpidermoidcystsColonic polyposis (APC gene) ------>predisposition to colonicadenocarcinoma.
• LAMBERT-EATON SYNDROME:Progressive proximal muscle weaknesssecondary to a carcinoma.
• MEIGS' SYNDROME: Fibroma of ovary withascites and hydrothorax
• PANCOAST SYNDROME: Tumor nearpulmonary apex ------>Neuritic pain of chest and armMuscle atrophy of the armHorner's Syndrome (impaired cervical
• PEUTZ-JEGHERS SYNDROME: Polyposis(hamartomas) of small intestineAlso see melanin pigmentation of buccalmucosa and skin around mouth and lips
Some CONGENITAL Syndromes-
• CERVICAL SYNDROME: Supernumerary C7 rib ------> Pressure on brachial plexus ------> painradiating over shoulder, arm, and forearm over C7distribution.
• DIGEORGE SYNDROME: Congenital absence of3rd and 4th Branchial Arches (Thymus and ParathyroidGlands) ------> secondary symptoms:No cell-mediated immunity ------> Frequentviral and fungal infectionsCharacteristic facial deformities
• DOWN SYNDROME: Trisomy 21. Mentalretardation, characteristic facial features, Simeoncrease in hand.
• FANCONI'S SYNDROME Type I: Bone-marrowhypoplasia ------> refractory anemia, pancytopenia.
• FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME: Fetalmalformations, growth deficiencies, craniofacialanomalies, limb defects.
• GOODPASTURE'S SYNDROME: Autoantibodiesagainst basement membranes ------>Glomerulonephritis (kidney) and hemoptysis (lungs).Often, death by renal failure
• KLINEFELTER'S SYNDROME:Trisomy XXY ------> testicular atrophy, increase in gonadotropins inurine.
• LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME:Deficiency ofHGPRT (Hypoxanthine-Guanine Phosphoribosyltransferase------>Hyperuricemia, uric acid kidney stonesChoreoathetosisMental retardation, autism, spasticcerebral palsyX-Linked recessive
• MARFAN SYNDROME: Connective Tissuedisorder ------>Arachnodactyly: Abnormally longdigits and extremitiesSubluxation of lensDissecting aortic aneurism
• TURNER'S SYNDROME: XO monosomy.DwarfismWebbed neckValgus of elbow.Amenorrhea
• WILSON SYNDROME: Congenital defect inCeruloplasmin, leading to buildup of copper ------> mental retardation, cirrhosis, hepatolenticulardegeneration.
ENDOCRINE, REPRODUCTIVE Syndrome• CONN'S SYNDROME: PrimaryHyperaldosteronism ------> muscular weakness,hypertension, hypokalemia, alkalosis.
• CUSHING'S SYNDROME: Hypersecretion ofcortisol ------> secondary symptoms andcharacteristics:o Fatness of face and trunk.