Monday, 10 February 2014


Aviator#-neck of talus–due to Dorsiflexation
Bankarts#–anterior glenoid–shoulder abduction
and ext rotation
Bartons#–distal radius with radio carpal
Bennets#–1st metacarp–pull of abductor pollicis
Boxer#-5th metacar-punching
Boxworht#–distal fibula due to foot extern
bumper#–lat condy of tibia due to forced valgus
of knee
Chance#–horizontal # of vert body
Chaueffuer#–radial styloid
Chopart#—joints involved
2)cal-cub due to ankle twist–rx -non weight bear
Clay shovel#—c6c7T1 spinous process avulsion
Colles–also distal radius but with dorsal
angulation,ipaction and radial drift
Cottons#–trimalleolar # of ankle
Duverny#-iliac wing#
Essex lopresti–radius head +inteross memb
+distal radio ulna jt
Gallezia–radius shaft+distal radio ulna jt
Gosselin-distal tibia#
Hangman–pedicles of c2–neck extension
Hill sach–post humeral head
Holdsworth#–thoracolumbar dislocation of
Jefferson#– burst # of c1
Jones#–base of 5th Metatarsal– per brevis
muscle pull due to inversion
Le fort–distal fibula + medial mall avulsion
Lis franc–midfoot # and disloc
Maisonneuve#—spiral# of prox fibula
Malgaignes#—vertical pelvic #
March #–2nd 3rd metatars—shaft
Montagia–prox ulna +dislocation of radial head
Moores–distal radius + ulnar dislocation
Pilon#–distal fibula with communited articular #
Pipkin #– post dislocation of hip wid femoral
head avulsion due to lig teres
Potts–bimalleolar# of ankle
Rolando-t shape or y shape # of 1st MC(benetts
is also 1st MC)
Runner#- stress# of distal fibula
Salter harris__growth plate#
Segonds#–ACL tear +lateral tibial plateua
Shepard#-lat tubercle of posterior process of
Smith#–distal radius with volar displacement
Steidia #–medial femo condyle avulsion near
Teillaux#–salter harris # of tibia
Toddler#–distal tibia# –spiral undisplaced for
under 8yr old

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