Iron deficient middle aged women with esophageal webs - Plummer-Vinson syndrome
Hematoxylin or eosin? Bacteria – Hematoxylin
Smooth muscle regeneration – labile, stable, or permanent? – Stable
Most common cause of Cushing syndrome - Pituitary adenoma
Most common cause of acute tubular necrosis – Ischemia
Name of tumor when gastric carcinoma spreads to ovaries - Krukenberg tumor
Hypochromatic microcytic anemia with normal iron, TIBC, % sat, and ferritin - Thalassemia minor
Angina characterized by coronary artery luminal narrowing, symptom occurrence during exertion, ST depression - Stable angina
Most common cause of Erysipelas - Strep pyogenes
M3 AML chromosomal translocation - Chromosome 15, 17
Fat, forty, female, fertile, etc. risk factor for - Cholesterol gallstones
Most common type of PUD - Duodenal ulcers (4X more common than gastric)
What mineral is a component of cytochrome a/a3 – Copper
Breast malignancy with tumor cells having halo around the nucleus - Paget disease of the breast (malignant cells invade the epidermis of the skin)
2 most common causes of epididymitis in males less than 35 - Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis
What AD disease is associated with chromosome 4p, does not present until 30’s, involves atrophy of the caudate, dilation of the lateral and third ventricles, and signs of exptrapydramidal lesions - Huntington disesaea
Hep virus that is a small circular RNA virus with defective envelope - Hep D
Hematoxylin or eosin? Fibrin – Eosin
Most common cause of Chancre - Haemophilus ducreyi
Most common Location of ependymomas in kids - 4th ventricle
Type of exudate from meningiococcal infection - Purulent exudates
What condition results from 46XX karyotype and female internal organs with virilized external genitalia - Female pseudohermaphrodite
TA 90 Is a tumour marker for melnoma
What syndrome occurs when pelvic inflammatory disease ascends to surround the liver capsule in violin string adhesions - Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
Most common Benign tumor of the ovary – Serocystadenoma
What metal poisoning causes mental retardation, somnolence, convulsions, and encephalopathy – Lead
Excessive fibrosis throughout the body via increased fibroblast activity, women>men, 30’s-50’s – Scleroderma
Renal disease in diabetics seen as a halo of capillaries around the mesangial nodules - Kimmelstiel-Wilson disease
Most common Eye tumor in kids - Retinoblastoma
Colon Cancer tumor suppression genes-APC, DCC, p53
Gastric Adenocarcinoma markers-CEA and bombesin
HCC markers-AFP and alpha-1-AT
Pancreatic Cancer tumor suppression gene-DPC
Peripheral nerve tumor suppressor gene-NF-1 (neurofibromatosis 1)
Plummer-Vinson syndrome triad-Dysphagia (due to webs in the upper esophagus), atrophic glossitis, iron-deficiency anemia
Pulseless disease-Takayasu arteritis - stenosis of aortic arch and its large branches with ischemia to upper part of the body
S-100-Marker for melanoma, neural tumors, and astrocytomas
Stomach Cancer tumor suppressor gene-DCC
Trousseau Sign - Migratory thromophlebitis associated with tumors of pancreas, lung, and colon
Chronic granulomatous disease is due to deficiency of ?
NADPH Oxidase..
Chediak Hegashi syndrome is due to?
Defective and delayed phagolysosome fusion.
MMR in India?
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