Sunday 17 November 2013

Forensic IPC

• Definition of rape - 375
• Punishment of rape - 376
• Definition of perjury - 191
• Punishment of perjury - 193
• Murder - 302
• Attempt to murder - 307
• Chievous injury - 320
• Dowry death - 304 B
• Criminal negligence by doctor - 304 A
• Criminal responsibility of insane - 84
• Request of arrested person for medical examination - Sec. S3
• Negligence of father towards son - 317
• Criminal abortion - 312
• Magistrate inquest - Sec. 176 (1) Cr Pc.
• A person below 12 year can't give consent - 89
• A child below 7 year is not capable of committing offence - 82
• Police inquest - See 174 Cr Pc.
• Powers of magistrate - Sec. 29 Cr. Pc.
• Cognizable offence - Sec. 2 (n) Cr. Pc. & Sec. 40 IPC.
• Any act done by child under 7 year is not offence - Sec. 82 IPC.
• Issuing/signing false certificate is punishable under-See.197 .

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