Sunday 17 November 2013


1} Aschoff Bodies – rheumatic fever
2} Asteroid body – sporotrichosis
3} BABES – ERNST Bodies – metachromatic granules
4} BALBIANI’S Bodies – yolknucleus
5} Bamboo bodies – asbestosis
6} Bodies OF ARANTIUS – aortic valve nodules
7} BODY OF HIGHMORE – mediastinum testis
8} Bollinger bodies – fowlpox
9} Brassy body – dark shrunken
blood corpuscle found in malaria
10} Call exners bodies – granulosa theca cell tumour
11} Chromatid bodies – entamoeba
histolytica precyst
12} Citron bodies – cl. Septicum
13} Civatte bodies – lichen planus
14} Councilman bodies – hepatitis B
15} Coccoid X bodies – psittacosis
16} Creola bodies – asthma
17} Cystoid bodies – in degenerated retinal nerve fibers
( seen in Cotton wool spots)
18} Donnes bodies – colostrums corpuscles
19} Donovan bodies – granulose inguinale (LGV)
20} Ferruginous bodies –asbestosis
21} Gamma gandy bodies – congestive splenomegaly
22} Guarnieri bodies – inclusion bodies of vaccinia
23} Henderson Peterson bodies –molluscum contagiosum
24} Harting bodies – calcospheritis in the cerebral capillaries
25} Heinz bodies – G 6 PD deficiency
26} Herring bodies – neurohypophysis
27} Heterophil antibodies – infectious mononucleosis
28} Hirano bodies – alzheimer’s disease
29} Lewy bodies – parkinsonism
30} Levinthal coles lille bodies –psittacosis
31} Mallory bodies – alcoholic hepatitis
32} Masson bodies – rheumatic pneumonia
33} Michelis guttman bodies – malakoplakia
34} Mooser bodies – endemic typhus
35} Moot bodies – multiple myeloma
36} Negri bodies – rabies
37} Odland body – keratinosome
38} Oken’s body – mesonephros
39} Paschen bodies – vaccinia /
40} Pick bodies – picks disease
41} Psamomma bodies –
1. papillary carcinoma of thyroid
2. serous papillary carcinoma of
3. meningioma
4. mesothelioma
42} Reilly bodies – hurler’s syndrome
43} Rokitansky bodies – teratoma
44} Ross’s bodies – syphilis
45} Rushton bodies – odontogenic cyst
46} Sclerotic bodies –chromoblastomycosis
47} Sandstorm bodies –parathyroid glands
48} Schillar dual bodies – yolk sac
49} Schaumann bodies –sarcoidosis
50} Verocay bodies – schwanoma
51} Winkler bodies – syphilis
52} Zebra bodies –metachromatic leukodystrophy

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