1. Heart size is Normal in : TOF and TAPVC ( infracardiac form )
2. Visual reflex formation or Macula mature by 5-6 months life
3. Gardasil -- 16 , 18 , 6 , 11
Cervarix -- 16 , 18
4. Renal tubular acidosis -- Normal Anion gap Hyperchloremic Metabolic Acidosis
Point to remember -- its NORMAL in Serum but POSITIVE anion gap in Urine
5. Ectopic ACTH Syndrome -- Hypokalemic Alkalosis
6. Anatomical Closure of Ductus arteriosus -- 1-3 months after birth. 1-3 months after birth. (ref: Langman's embryology & Guyton)
7. Corneal donor -- till 6 hour after death
8. Nerve fibers -- A and B are Myelinated ; A to C - Diameter and Velocity decrease
9. For Congenital hypothyroidism -- TSH , best done >48 hrs - 6 days life
10. Child of HIV positive Mother -- Cant use IgG for 1st 18 months to diagnose as that comes from
mother. So p24 assay , PCR , Viral Culture are used.
11. Neomycin is present in Polio Vaccine
12. TORCH infectivity -- All at time of birth BUT Rubella has 2 peaks i.e 10 -11 wks and delivery.
13. Unchanged during child birth -- Diameter between Sacral promontary and Pubic Symphisis.
14. RAIU -- I 123 ;
RIA ---- I 125
15. CO poisoning -- PO2 Normal but O2 saturation is less.
16. Fetal distress -- S/D ratio-- increases in Umblical Artery , decreases in MCA.
17. All Myopathies are Proximal except Myotonic Dystrophy (type 1)
18. All Neuropathies are Distal except GBS and SMA.
19. Glysine is the smallest and simplest Amino Acid.
20. Adder Head on IVP -- Ureterocele
21. Flower vase / shaking hand sign -- Horseshoe kidney
22. Ligament of Struthers.-- remnant of 3rd head of coracobrachialis , runs from supracondylar spur on anteromedial humerus to medial epicondyle, median n and brachial a may run beneath it.
23. Shortest Colon - Ascending
Longest Colon - Transverse
24. Trigeminal Neuralgia rarely involves Ophthalmic division
If in a young / if it is Bilateral -- then Multiple Sclerosis is a key consideration
25. After overnight fasting , levels of glucose transporters are reduced in Muscle.
26. Pacini Corpuscles -- detects gross pressure changes and vibration
27. Epiphyseal dysgenesis -- in Hypothyroidism
28. In Hypothyroidism --- Increased CSF protein
29. Most characteristic cutaneous manifestation of FMF (Familial Medit. fever) -- Erysipelas like erythema.
30. Two halves of Mandible join together by 2yrs of Life
31. Syphilitic Aortitis -- Proximal Ascending Aorta
32. Superficial spreading melanoma -- Buckshot appearance (Pagetoid cells)
33. Seborrheic Keratoses -- Stuck on lesion
34. Finger prints can be taken in cases of advanced decomposition and drowning
But NOT in case of corrosion
35. Generally all bones ossify earlier in females
Skull sutures obliterate earlier in Males.
36. Anterior neuropore closes by 25th day, and posterior one closes by 27th day of IUL.
37. Gittre cells are modified CNS macrophages.
38. Hirano Bodies in Hyppocampus -- Alzheimer's
39. Acrocentric Chromosomes -- 13 , 14 , 15 , 21 , 22 , Y
40. LAP increased in -- Leukamoid reaction , Polycythemia Vera
decreased in -- CML , PNH
41. Schistiocyte -- MicroAngiopathic Hemolytic anaemia
42. Tear Drop cell -- Myelofibrosis
43. Target cell -- Thallesemia , HbC disease , Liver disease.
44. Good ALL -- Female , 2-10 years , Hyperdiploidy , B-ALL (NOT preB-ALL)
45. Pregnancy tumor of gums = Granuloma pyogenicum
46. RCC = Hypernephroma = Grawitz Tumor
47. Holly leaf mesangial deposits -- FSGN
48. Spike & Dome , String of Popcorn -- Membranous GN
49. Wire loop -- Class IV Lupus Nephritis
50. Post Mortem staining is well developed in 4 hrs and becomes fixed in 6-12 hrs
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